Grocery Love.

I absolutely love to grocery shop. Honest. There is no sarcasm in that statement. Is that strange? I find myself looking forward to the trip to grocery every single week. I only shop for one (me), but I plan this trip each week, browsing weekly sale ads, gathering coupons, and reading up on new recipes that might inspire a new grocery store purchase. I enjoy the budgeting aspect because it’s something I can control and I feel accomplished knowing that I’ve picked out healthy items while staying in my budget.

Grocery shopping is a game. I think about it in these terms: how can I get the best value for my dollar? I define value as: 1.) quality- is the food nutritious and healthy? 2.) taste- will I enjoy the food without wasting any portion? and, 3.) price: is the food within my budget?

Another aspect that makes shopping enjoyable is using the application for my phone called Fooducate. Have you ever heard of it? To use Fooducate, you open the application on your smart phone and scan the bar code on the package. (Or you can enter it manually and search the term.) Then, Fooducate grades the food choice giving it a score (A through D-); it also points out positives and negatives about the item. For example, it will tell you if a controversial/artificial additive is found in the food or if it’s high in sodium/sugar etc. It also points out good nutrients. One of my favorite features of Fooducate is that it offers healthy/healthier alternatives to the item you’ve scanned. Many times this allows me to purchase food that is a grade level better. It’s a helpful tool and eye opening for sure. I highly recommend it.

Yesterday’s grocery shopping trip was fun. I had several coupons to use on things I was already planning to buy. (Side note & budget tip: when using coupons, be careful not to clip coupons for things you wouldn’t normally buy. Even though you think you’re saving money, you’re actually spending money that you didn’t intend to in the first place. This is why a list is important. Write down a list and stick to it!) Here’s a shot of the week’s worth of food I purchased yesterday, and remember, it complements things I already have in my pantry, fridge and freezer:

Just a few highlights:

  • Coupons: I used coupons that basically gave me 4 protein bars for $1.00. I had a coupon for Nasoya Tofu that made it less expensive than the generic brand.
  • Bananas: The HUGE bunch of bananas was only $1.22. I’ve never bought so many bananas. Good thing I simply freeze them and use them in smoothies. I’m set for SEVERAL weeks.
  • Quinoa: One of my food goals was to cook with Quinoa. I finally am going to give it a try. I bought a bag of organic quinoa from the bulk food section of the grocery store which saved me about $2.00 for the same amount in the prepackaged section.

This food after coupons was a grand TOTAL OF$22.00

I should note that I did make an additional “grocery” purchase on the way home from Kroger that I am not including in this budget. I purchased a new whey protein powder to try. Mom and Dad had previously given me a gift card, and I used that to purchase the protein powder. (THANKS MOM AND DAD!!!) So, technically this didn’t come out of my personal finances. I’m curious to try this flavor that combines my two favorite food items: Chocolate Peanut Butter. Yum.

*If I would have included this in my grocery total, the combined total would have been $36.88.

After putting everything away yesterday, I had a delicious, protein packed lunch that included a tuna salad (a quick version of this recipe) on a bed of organic spinach and a side of vanilla greek yogurt with blueberries. Lunch also included an exceptionally jar of water.

While doing my Sunday chores of laundry, cleaning and planning out my week ahead, I prepped my lunches for the work week ahead. I’ve been in a tofu mood lately, so I made my Salsa Lime Tofu recipe.

Well, it’s time to start my Monday. It’s looking like a busy week. Wishing you the best. katie

What’s your favorite brand of protein powder and what’s your favorite flavor?
What does your week look like? Busy? 

19 thoughts on “Grocery Love.

  1. I’m so excited about that app! How cool is that? I do like the grocery store, also. I plan out my meals in advance, make my list, and then pretty much stick to it. But it’s one of my favorite tasks each week. Maybe there’s some kind of club for the likes of us? ; )

    • Good to hear there are more people like me. I think we should start our own exclusive Grocery Love club. Secret handshake included! 😉
      Enjoy the app. It’s really great. (Plus they also have a way you can search for things on their website.) You can also send a grocery list via email to and they’ll send you the best options via email back to you within minutes. Wishing you the best. katie

  2. I kinda like food shopping too 🙂 As long as I’ve got the time and it’s not a mid-week shuffle. Your tips on saving and couponing are good. I’ve got to get a bit better about finding the deals. Looks like you got some tasty stuff! I don’t use protein powder but am thinking about it for smoothies.

    Love that you’re going to make quinoa! I finally got around to my first quinoa back in November:, but only later learned how to make it nice and fluffy (

  3. I always have a list, if not written than a mental one. I always plan my meals ahead of time so I know exactly what I’m going in for (at the grocers) 🙂 I have a busy week ahead!

    Have a good week! 🙂

  4. I think of grocery shopping like a game too. I know the prices of all the different stores so I plan out my loop around town hitting all the good deals, trying to pick up the perishables last 🙂 Such nerdy, foodie fun 😉

  5. I find grocery shopping to be a strangely relaxing outing!
    When my children were small and I was home with them all day, my hubby would come home from work and give me the gift of a grocery store trip SANS CHILDREN. I love him for knowing me so well!

  6. I love grocery shopping too. I get really antsy if my boyfriend offers to go without me. I feel like I’m missing out. I wish I were kidding!

    We also use the Fooducate app, but I go crazy when they keep suggesting an apple as a healthier option. Sometimes you need something besides an apple. 🙂

  7. Oh my golly, I love grocery shopping; always makes me happy!! Last year I was traveling in Australia and sometimes when I got homesick, I would just go to the grocery store and take a wonder around. Very comforting and always made me happy again:)

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