Happy Memorial Day {& Giveaway Reminder}

Happy Memorial Day! I hope that you are able to share this day surrounded by the ones you love. I also hope that you have some great plans ahead of you today – I’m thinking picnics, sand volleyball, laying out by the pool, etc. This is where I wish I was today:

Wouldn’t it be nice to rest and relax here today?

If you’re like 99.9% of Americans, you have the day off. Spend time resting, relaxing and simply having fun today. Memorial Day plans generally involve activities like pick up games of volleyball, wiffle ball, and frisbee. How about we ditch the gym today and focus on active fun with our family and friends?

REMINDER: Have you all had the chance to check out SlimKicker and it’s helpful health tools, both available online and for your iPhone? TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY to enter for the 7 Quart Stainless Steel Slow Cooker that SlimKicker wants one of my readers to win!  To enter this GIVEAWAY, visit this post. We’re taking entries until 11:59pm tonight! Hurry!

7-Quart Oval Slow Cooker

Wishing you the best holiday. katie

What are your Memorial Day plans?